At present, the Road Department maintains 135 km of Township Roads comprised of 64 km of hard surfaced and 71 km of gravel roads, 5 km of sidewalks, 10 bridges and more than 220 cross-culverts and other surfaces. This department strives to provide, to our residents and visitors, a safe and efficient means of travel on our road system. You can find a map of our roads and villages.
Business Hours
Normal hours of operation for the roads staff are 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Fridays. Calls concerning road conditions should be directed to the Roads Department at 613.674.2143.
To contact or report road damage to the public work department fill out our report a concern form sent to
Street Lights
The Township provides streetlights on most village streets (St-Eugene, Ste-Anne de Prescott and Chute-Ã -Blondeau) and several road intersections. Report of all burnt-out lights or malfunctioning lights should be directed to the administration office at 613.674.2143 or by email @ When reporting a defective streetlight, please have the pole number available.
When storms occur during the night, the objective will be to open all roads in one direction by 6:00 a.m. the next morning. Standards of service are according to the Minimum Maintenance Standards (M.M.S.) for municipal roads as established under Ontario Regulation 239/02 under the Municipal Act.
No snow or ice may be deposited on the traveled portion of any roadway/street in the Township as per section 2. a) of By-Law 2020-25. Any person who contravenes any section of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as set out for in the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990
Winter parking
No person shall park or stand a vehicle on a highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or the clearing of snow from the highway. Illegally parked cars may be ticketed and /or towed away at the owner’s expense as per By-Law 2018-80
Municipal 511 is a tool developed by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. It provides residents with information on local roads and highways. Navigate the map directly on our site by scrolling below. Click on the checkbox on the left side to see different layers of information (Road closure, camera, construction, etc.)  Municipal 511.
East Hawkesbury Road Application for Entrance
To obtain a permit on a County Road please consult the United Counties of Prescott and Russell website.
The construction of a new private entranceway, or widening of an existing entranceway, whether they are residential, commercial or for a farm, on a municipal road, requires a permit, as stipulated in By-Law no. 2020-52.
The physical location of the entrance way must be pre-approved by the Roads Superintendent. An entrance's location must be secure and offer a good view of the traffic, as well as permit the flow of water in ditches.
The Roads Superintendent must also give instructions related to the construction, such as the length and diameter of the pipe, the location, the filling, etc.
The owner is responsible for the entire cost related to the laying out of the new entranceway. Afterwards, the owner is responsible for any future maintenance or replacement of the entranceway.
Reduced truck loads during spring thaw (half loads)
This season Reduced Loads (Half-loads) Restrictions period will end on Monday, April 8, 2024.
This is to advise truckers and shippers that half load restrictions will end on April 8, 2024 on all roads and streets that are under the jurisdiction of the Township of East Hawkesbury. The enforcement of weight restriction regulations will commence once the signs are erected. The Township of East Hawkesbury, along with the Ontario Provincial Police and the Ministry of Transportation, will be monitoring truck and equipment haulage activity.
To obtain further information related to special overweight permits, please consult the United Counties of Prescott and Russell website.
Roads where full loads are allowed mapping.
No Heavy Truck
No heavy truck is permitted at all time on Golf Road and Interprovincial Road as described in By law- 2020-08.
Any person who fails to comply with any requirement or provisions of By-Law 2020-08 or causes any other person to fail to comply with any requirement or provision of this By-law, is guilty of an offence and is subject to such fines and penalties authorized pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended.
Application for Road cut permit Schedule ''A''
Application for Road cut permit for Utility Companies Schedule ''B''
County Roads
Within the municipality, there are 8 County roads, County Roads 4,10,12,14,17, 18 , 25 and 31. Calls concerning road conditions on any of these County Roads should be directed to the County Road Superintendent at:
United Counties of Prescott-Russell
59 Court Street, P.O. Box 304,
L’Orignal ON K0B 1K0.
Telephone: 613.678.3507