Cloth Diapers Program
Did you know?
- A child will use approximately 6,000 disposable diapers from birth to potty training, which is equivalent to one ton of waste. By using cloth diapers, we reduce the amount of waste going to our landfills.
- Disposable diapers take several years to decompose
- Many trees are cut down each year in Canada to make disposable diapers.
- Disposable diaper production consumes more water than cloth diapers. The water rejected is also highly charged with chemical pollutants.
- You save approximately $1,500 per child by using cloth diapers.
- Be a resident of the municipality of East Hawkesbury
- Submit your application before December 31st.
- Purchase cloth diapers with or without related accessories during the year.
- You must submit the required documents
Required documents
- Proof of residence (ex. driver's license, lease, electricity bill, etc.);
- Original invoices for the purchase of cloth diapers with or without related accessories. The municipality will reimburse the cost of cloth diapers purchased up to a maximum of $200;
- Proof of birth of the baby (birth certificate).
How to submit an application
1) Complete the application form on page 2. Cloth Diaper Form
2) Send your application form, along with all required documents, to Karine Desjardins by email at If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the municipal office at 613-674-2170 ext. 1002.