Planning Department
Every application on the territory of the Township of East Hawkesbury must be processed by the United Counties of Prescott and Russell Planning and Forestry Department or the Townships Planning Consultant.
An application for consent (land severance) consists in splitting a parcel of land from an existing property to create a new lot.
If you are the owner of a parcel of land and you intend to sever a portion to create a new lot, you should consult with the Planning and Forestry Department at the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (Approval Authority) to determine if, in fact, it will be possible for you to proceed with a consent and sever a portion of your property.
In some cases, severances may be restricted or simply prohibited.
- Submit the required forms to the Approval Authority at the UCPR Planning and Forestry Department
- Provide the supporting documents
- Pay the applicable fees.
- When your application is received and deemed complete, a copy will be sent to the various municipal departments and agencies for comments, recommendations, and conditions of approval. A sign briefly describing the application will be posted on the concerned property and a notice will be sent to landowners located within a 60-meter radius of the property.
- A report from the Planning Department containing the observations, recommendations and conditions for the consent approval will be presented to Council for approval.
- The Approval Authority will be informed of Council's decision.
- The Approval Authority will decide and compile all the conditions for approval.
- The conditions on the Decision of the Official need to be completed before the township send a letter to UCPR Planning and Forestry when the conditions have been satisfactorily completed.
Before anything else, you should first meet with the Township to determine if, in fact, a minor variance is required or if the current situation or the proposed development requires an amendment to the Zoning By-Law.
A minor variance can only be granted if the following criteria are met:
- The variance is minor.
- The variance is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the property
- The general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-Law are maintained; and,
- The general intent and purpose of the Official Plan are maintained.
- Each situation is unique.
A situation that appears as being minor in one case may appear major in another case.
- You will need to submit a Minor Variance application to the Township by completing the prescribed form along with a copy of the building location survey showing the location of the main building and accessory structures on the property and pay the applicable fees.
- Township cannot grant a variance that would constitute a change to the Zoning By-Law.
- When the complete application for minor variance is received, it is sent to a consultant
- When the consultant’s report is received a date is set for a meeting during which the application for minor variance will be presented to the public. A sign will be installed on the property briefly describing the proposal and a notice will be sent to every landowner located within a radius of 60 metres of the concerned property.
- A report containing the comments and recommendations from the consultant will be submitted to the Minor variance Committee.
- If the Committee grants a variance, a copy of its decision will be circulated to landowners located within the 60-meter radius and to every individual who has requested a copy of the Committee's decision.
A 20-day appeal period is provided from the date the notice is sent. If no appeal is filed by the end of the appeal period, the minor variance is granted.
The zoning by-law is the tool used to implement the provisions of the official plan. The by-law controls land development by defining:
- Land use
- Location of buildings and other structures
- Types of permitted buildings and their purpose
- Lot sizes, parking requirements, height of buildings and setbacks from the street
For more information, consult the official document:
Amendment to the Zoning By-law
If you want to use your property in a way that does not comply with the zoning by-law, you may file an Application for a zoning amendment.Â
For detailed references, you should consult the original acts, by-laws, and policy. For information, contact the Planning and Forestry Department at the United Counties of Prescott and Russell at 613-675-4661 extension 7101. Or visit the United counties of Prescott and Russell website.
The Township of
East Hawkesbury
5151 County Road 14
P.O. Box 340
St-Eugene, ON K0B 1P0
Phone: 613.674.2170
Fax: 613.674.2989
Email Us